Occupation: Label for a person's job, profession, or occupation.
Occupation refers to the work, job, profession, position, or activity that a person performs as part of their working life.
Positive Rules
- Label terms that directly refer to specific occupations.
...El paciente mencionó que trabaja como enfermero en el hospital local.
T1 Occupation 41 50
...Edad: 43. W: operario en bodega. FA: 19/03/2019 se encontraba...
T1 Occupation 16 34
... PCTE informa que es profesor de educación física. Sufre de hipertension.
T1 Occupation 24 52
Negative Rules
- Do not include the name of the institution or company where the occupation occurs.
- Incorrect
... Ocupacion: auxiliar de colegio b-63. Acude debido a que hoy siente malestar...
T1 Occupation 15 39
* Correcto
... Ocupacion: auxiliar de colegio b-63. Acude debido a que hoy siente malestar...
T1 Occupation 15 23