Location: Label for any findable geographical subdivision.
This entity corresponds to expressions that represent specific physical or geographical places. These entities can include names of cities, countries, states, regions, landmarks, addresses, geographical coordinates, or any other type of identifiable physical location in a text.
Positive Rules
- Label any geographical subdivision smaller than or equal to a country, including address, city, town, commune, region, or postal code.
... Paso por la comuna San Miguel, en donde chocó...
T1 Location 16 33
- Label the most extensive description of the place referred to.
... Estaba en terreno al sur de chile bajando por una cuesta cuando...
T1 Location 14 37
- Label mentions of identifiable places with a geographical subdivision.
... PCTE relata que se encontraba en parque los reyes cuando empieza a sentir picazón...
T1 Location 37 53
... Al momento de entrar a costanera center pcte comienza a presentar mareo intenso...
T1 Location 27 43
- Label mentions of public transport names, as they are identifiable with a geographical subdivision.
T1 Location 30 39
... Se desmayó camino al trabajo en metro Los heroes en la mañana del martes...
T1 Location 36 52
Negative Rules
- Do not label generic physical or geographical places.
... Estaba trabajando en obras bajando por el cerro y sufre contusion facial...
T1 Location 46 51
... tras bajarse de la micro en la esquina sufre torsion de tobillo izquierdo...
T1 Location 35 42
... tras salir de la sala de clase siente dolor intenso en brazo izquierdo...
T1 Location 21 34
... LLevaba mas de 5 horas sentado en oficina cuando presencia hormigueos en la pierna...
T1 Location 38 45
Typical Case
- In some cases, the labels Location and Company can be confused. This happens because sometimes the text refers to an institution as if it were a place (metonymy). In these cases, mentions of institutions will be labeled when they are referred to as a place.
... Al iniciar el día laboral iba de camino al JUMBO en la mañana del martes...
T1 Location 47 52